How do I Know My Battery is Fully Charged on My Scooter?

Please refer to the table below to ascertain the maximum voltage for your scooter model. This figure should correspond to the value displayed on the left-hand side of your voltage lock when you turn your key.
It's imperative that this number aligns with the maximum output indicated on your charger. Should there be a discrepancy between these values, it's likely that you have the incorrect charger. Please inform us promptly if this is the case.
Should your charger indicate a green light but fail to reach a voltage within 2 points of the value specified for your charger, it may necessitate the acquisition of a new charger.
Voltage Percentage:
- 100% = 58.8V
- 90% = 57.12V
- 80% = 55.44V
- 70% = 53.76V
- 60% = 52.08V
- 50% = 50.4V
- 40% = 48.72V
- 30% = 47.04V
- 20% = 45.36V
- 10% = 43.68V
- 0% = 42V